100W audio amplifier kit

100W Audio Amplifier with Transistor BDW83D/BDW84D

Here is the circuit diagram of 100W audio amplifier which using power transistor BDW83D and BDW84D for the final amplification. It uses dual polarity power supply to work. Copyright belong to Smart Kit. The circuit should […]

4W Audio Amplifier Circuit Electronic

4W Audio Amplifier using Transistor TIP41

This 4W Audio Amplifier circuit is powered by 2 pieces of transistor TIP41. The circuit is very simple and incorporates darlington output transistors that will provide more than enough output current than is needed to drive […]

50 Watt Power Audio Amplifier

Here the circuit diagram of 50W power amplifier. The amplifier uses a pair of power transistors that are MJ2955 and 2N3055 to amplify the input signal. You must use a heatsink on those transistors. The below […]

Portable Audio Amplifier

This is simple portable audio amplifier circuit. This circuit built based on IC TEA2025 which is a monolithic integrated audio amplifier in a 16-pin plastic dual in line package manufactured by UTC. Circuit has Internal Thermal […]

2 Watt Mini Audio Amplifier circuit design

2 Watt Mini Audio Amplifier

This is the circuit diagram of 2 Watt mini audio amplifier. This circuit is inexpensive, easy and quite simple. This is general audio amplifier which can be used for computer, CD player or other devices which […]

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