This is 1W stereo audio amplifier with LM386N. The output power is 1 watt for each channel, so it should be use two ICs of LM386N National Semiconductor for stereo channel. This circuit belongs to and the kit is available there or at This circuit only need 10mA current with best voltage supply is 6-12VDC. No heatsink required for normal usage.
There are only a few external components, the IC? contains most of the necessary circuitry. C1, C5 are? the input coupling capacitors, which block any DC? that might be present on the inputs. C2, C9 maintain? DC bias levels in the gain adjustment (feed back)? circuit. C4 provides power supply decoupling, and? C6, C8 are the output coupling capacitors. C10, R1? and C11, R2 act as zobel networks providing a high? frequency load to maintain stability where loud speaker inductive reactance may become excessive.? The pot provides adjustable input level attenuation.
Components List:
Capacitors: C1, C5 2.2 uF / 50Vecap _________ 2 C2, C9 10 uF / 25V ecap _________ 2 C3, C7 100 nF mono (104) ________ 2 C4 100 uF / 16V ecap ____________ 1 C6, C8 470 uF / 16V ecap ________ 2 C10, C11 47 nF mylar (473) ______ 2 Resistors : R1, R2 10 ohm ___________________ 2 Pot 1 10k ohm stereo pot ________ 1 Misc. : IC 1, 2 LM386N __________________ 2 8 pin IC socket _________________ 2
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