Hobby Power Supply Circuit Electronic

Hobby Power Supply

…will operate at a higher temperature. Download this hobby power supply circuit manual in PDF version from the following link: Hobby Power Supply 1 file(s) 39.50 KB Download Circuit Manual…

25W Hi-Fi Audio Amplifier based LM1875

25W Hi-Fi Audio Amplifier based LM1875

…amplifier you can use a common power supply. In this case the transformer should be rated at 80VA LM1875 Specs: Short circuit protection 94dB supply rejection ratio Up to 30W…

ATmega16 Line Follower Robot

…line follower robot tutorial for complete tutorial including the working explanation of circuit and program, source code and schematic diagram. Line Following Robot Tutorial ATMega16 1 file(s) 149.32 KB Download

Car Headlight Alarm Circuit Electronic

Car Headlight Alarm

…the head lights should be on once ignition contact is switched on. Components List: D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D7 : 1N4148 D8,D9 : 1N4007 ZD1 : 2V4 R1,R2,R3,R4 : 47K R5 : 220K R6,R7…

Stereo VU Display Circuit with 6 LED

Six LED Stereo VU Display

…voltage. The brightness of LEDs is easily controlled with a single potensiometer. Download LM3915 datasheet for circuit reference from the following link: LM3915 Datasheet 1 file(s) 1.39 MB Download Datasheet…

4W Audio Amplifier Circuit using TDA1013B

4W Audio Amplifier based TDA1013B

…TDA1013B Features: Few external components Wide supply voltage range Wide control range Pin compatible with TDA1013A Fixed gain High signal-to-noise ratio Thermal protection Download the document of TDA1013B datasheet for

7W Audio Amplifier Circuit Electronic TBA810

7W Audio Amplifier based TBA810

…a few passive components. This circuit can work well, kits and components of this circuit can be found easily at an electronics store in your area. I’ve found some similar…

Harmonic Sweetener Circuit Electronic

Harmonic Sweetener Guitar Effect

…wet clipped signal is added up and sent to the output. Download Harmonic Sweetener guitar effect circuit in PDF version: Harmonic Sweetener Effect 1 file(s) 10.12 KB Download Circuit Diagram…

Fender Bassman 5F6-A Tube Amps Circuit

Fender Bassman 5F6-A Tube Amplifier

…until 1954, the Bassman amplifiers had only 1 speaker (circuit 5B6), but it was the four 10″ speaker combination that came to be one of the greatest and most sought…