Here the simple traffic light controller which is could be used to educate kids rudiments of traffic light guidelines. The circuit utilizes easily available electronic parts. It generally consists of rectifier diodes (1N4001), a 5V regulator […]
Simple Electronic Combination Lock
The following diagram is a very easy and simple electronic combination lock based on IC LS7220. Component Part List: C1 = 1uF 25V C2 = 220uF 25V R1 = 2.2K Ohm Q1 = 2N3904 / 2N2222 […]
Wailing Alarm Siren
Here is the wailing alarm siren circuit diagram: Components List: R1,R5___________ 4.7K R2______________ 47K R3______________ 10K R4______________ 100K Rx______________ *see text C1,C4__________ 100uF/25V, electrolytic C2,C3__________ 0.01uF (10nF), ceramic T1_____________ 2N3702 (NTE159, TUP, etc.) IC1,IC2________ LM/NE555, MC1455P, […]
1.5V and 9V Battery Tester
Here is the circuit diagram of battery tester designed by Matthew B.. This circuit can be used to measure the 1.5V and 9V battery. The circuit is very-very simple and very easy to built since it […]
12W Audio Amplifier based MOSFET 2SK135 / 2SJ50
This is a small 12W audio amplifier over a load of 8 Ω, that combining the NE5534 integrated with a pair of V-MOSFET transistor output stage technology as we get excellent sound performance. MOSFET 2SK135 / 2SJ50 […]
NiCAD Battery Charger with Current and Voltage Limiting
The following diagram is the schematic diagram of Ni-CAD battery charger circuit which featured with current and voltage limiting to keep the battery lifetime. The lamp L1 will be light brightly and the LED will be […]
200W Power Amplifier Using Transistor
This is a 200W power amplifier circuit project. The circuit features high power, good definition and very low noise. It delivers about 200 watts in 4 ohms loudspeaker: a 4 ohm speaker or two pieces of […]
120W Power Amplifier + Power Supply
This is 120W power amplifier schematic using TO-3 package complementary transistors, NPN and PNP polarity. The well-known power transistor pair of 2N3055 and MJ2955 used in this circuit. +/- 50V symmetrical (split/dual polarity) power supply with […]
220V 800W Lamp Flasher
This is 220V 800W lamp flasher circuit directly connected to 220V mains. One or more lamp which has high consumption / power can be used. It is ideal for signage warning or danger, this circuit flickers […]
2 x 5W Stereo Audio Amplifier based TA7227 + Tone Control
The following circuit is a 5W stereo audio amplifier, built based on single amplifier IC TA7227. The TA7227 can be used for dual mode (stereo amp) and single mode (bridge connection/mono amp). This IC type featured […]