This is a sound generator based on general purpose timer IC 555. A flip-flop circuit is included, so this circuit will give sound output and blinking LED.? There are 2 modules in this circuit that are flip-flop / LED flasher module and sound generator circuit modules which combined in one schematic diagram. This is a simple project for beginner which can be seen and can be heard.
Sound Generator Components List:
Resistors: R1, R7 ___________________ 470? R2 _______________________ 1k? R3 _______________________ 68? R4, R6 ___________________ 56k? R5 _______________________ 47k? R8, R9 ___________________ 10k? VR1 ______________________ 200? Potentiometer Capacitors: C1, C2, C3 _______________ 10uF/16V C4, C5 ___________________ 0.02uF (20nF) C6 _______________________ 100uF/16V Semiconductors: Q1, Q2 ___________________ 2N3904 IC1 ______________________ 555 or 1455 LED1, LED2 _______________ LED
Good Luck 🙂
It is nice circuit
what is the woark of ne555n ic and three pin of work